My List

I’m sure we all have these things we want to do before we’re a certain age.  Being that twenty-seven is just right around the corner, I thought I’d list some of mine:

Learn Chinese, French and Spanish
My French is the most tragic.  I’m a German speaker.  Gotta say it from your gut!

Travel to Italy, Greece, Spain and the UK…
I could go on and on about where I would like to go!

Take Chris through the places in Europe I have been
I always talk about it, but I can never convey the beauty, the experience, or the feelings without words.  I have been all over Germany, France, Poland and the very tip of Switzerland.   I wish I could convey the excitement I relive whenever I see places I’ve been in books or pictures.  It’s something you can only see for yourself.  Traveling abroad is an experience one can’t see until it is done!

Get a cow
This is probably the funniest.  I want a Dexter cow.  Cows are just like big dogs.  (Strangely, I had a fear of dogs until I got one, but I’ve always loved cows.)  If you have never petted a cow, go seek one out (not the bull though).  One on my friend’s farm used to lean into the fence when she was scratched.  Quite cute for such large things.

Those of you who don’t know, I love roller coasters and all sorts of other crazy things.  Particularly safe thrill seeking.  Motorcycle riding is probably the extent of my high speed thrill seeking without rails.  Being that zorbing is done on a closed course, I’d like to give it a go.

Any suggestions?

Baby Videos Stupefy Children

One day during my maternity leave with Kari, almost 4 years ago now, a neighbor came over with some items her granddaughter had outgrown.  There were some outfits, some blankets and one Baby Einstein DVD.  I hoped she didn’t see my horror.  Chris and I weren’t against television, just this type of television.

The Baby Einstein DVD sat for about a month on the bookshelf.  Finally, Chris and I were curious about all the hype behind this stuff and popped it in one day.  Kari was in her bouncy seat about 4 feet from the television, while Chris and I flanked each side of her.  I don’t know what we were expecting, with the way we were bracing ourselves, you’d think we just committed a crime.

Our pediatrician explained about these shows and was adamant about no television until after 2 years, at minimum.  She said infants have a defense mechanism – being alert to change.  So, these children’s shows play on that with their changing images and colors.  The babies can’t look away while watching because their defense mechanism is telling them to pay attention, and the parents misinterpret this as the kid loving it!

This story just came out for the local news.  It’s only a half page, but if you couldn’t read the whole thing, here is my favorite quote:

“In fact, one controversial 2007 study suggested that “educational” videos and DVDs for the very young, such as Baby Einstein and Brainy Baby, might even make them dumber by impeding word acquisition.”

These shows babble and use “baby talk” along with their flashing images.  Again, something our peditrician warned us about:  baby talk.  She said to talk normally.  So, we all did.  And, guess what?  Kari has been speaking in full sentences since 18 months and no one, strangers or family, has trouble understanding her.

It’s about spending time with your kids!  Be practical folks!  Education takes a long time.  These videos aren’t going to make your kid a genius – you are!  Invest in their education.  Read to them always.  Embrace their curiosity.  The television didn’t teach Kari how to read, or speak German, or count and add.  It was a lot of hard work by Chris, my parents and myself.

So, what happened after we flipped on the Baby Einstein video?  After 2 minutes, the vivid images gave me a headache, and the noises were annoying, so we thought Kari might feel the same, if she could only talk.  We ended up throwing it away.

Poisoning the Protein

I am a vegetarian.  I have been for the past twenty-three years (for those of you doing the math, I decided to go veggie when I was 4 years-old).  My parents allowed me to do this if I kept myself healthy, ate well and didn’t suffer any other adverse effects.  When I was thirteen, I broke my finger, badly.  Yeah, Katie Bachman sure could kick a soccer ball, but my finger shouldn’t have broken that easily.  So, a diet revision was in order.  Enter Morningstar Farms.  And later Boca Burger. My new diet supplements were meat substitutes made of derived protein.

Over the years, these meat substitutes became more popular and expanded from just burgers to chicken patties, ground meat, sausage, brats, etc.  In taste tests, kids even preferred the faux hot dogs – and they’re marketed to moms because they’re less fat!

Great, right?  What could possibly be wrong with this great line of products?!  Less fat?  Nothing wrong with that!  Expensive?  Got over that a long time ago.

They’re made of derived proteins.  That’s what’s wrong.  Let me explain.

I workout daily doing cardio and weight training.  I know to keep myself healthy, I need protein, but how much protein should I be getting?  I looked up this nifty calculator.  I need 86 grams of protein per day based on my height, weight and activity level – at minimum!

Here is a general chart to help you calculate how much protein you get in a day:

Protein Chart

Then I got curious about my meat substitute’s contribution toward my goal and whether or not I should look into protein shakes.  I hit Google.  Then I read ingredients lists on protein shakes.  Whoa!  Hydrolyzed proteins.  Then I realized I hadn’t read the ingredients on my meat substitutes in a while.

Last Monday morning, I called Boca.  After the question, “Do your products contain MSG?” left my lips, the line was silent.  I repeated myself.  The representative started a canned spiel about how Boca is concerned about the health and safety of its consumers.  I cut him short.  I told him I appreciate the script, but just want the facts.  He then stumbled over some words I had heard before, so I recognized immediately what he wouldn’t say:  their products do contain MSG.  Hydrolyzed protein is one phrase.  Wherever you see it, there will be MSG.

The Boca representative then went on to tell me that the FDA does not find MSG to be harmful in low levels and how their products do not contain more than the legal limit designated by the Federal government.  Feeling saucy, and duped again by another company, I quipped, “So, if I eat multiple products during the day with the legal limit of MSG, would I then not be over the legal limit healthy for consumption?”  He searched the script while mumbling, “uh and um”.  Sorry, Jason, you had to get me that day.  I thanked him and hung up.

I didn’t bother calling Morningstar Farms as the ingredients listed it clearly on their website:  hydrolyzed protein.

What to do about protein?  I’m not giving up on my search for food that doesn’t make me sick.  And I hope you all realize MSG isn’t just harmful to those who are most sensitive.  It’s like anything else.  It’s not good for you, it is just the people most sensitive who recognize it.  Try going MSG free, see how you feel – and you’ll know the next time you encounter MSG.  Detox, as I joke, for a month.  MSG can cause moodiness, depression, anger, headaches and I’m sure other internal damage.  It is found in foods everywhere – and it isn’t always listed on the label, but hidden in hydrolyzed proteins, artificial ingredients, etc.

So, I’m on the search for healthy sources of protein.  I immediately thought of making trail mixes with seeds and nuts, yogurt, drinkable yogurt, cheese, peanut butter, milk, bean everything, etc.  But, I need to calculate protein intake.  I need your help finding healthy, natural protein packed foods.

Happy Birthday!

Dear Blog,

Happy Birthday!  You’re two!  I think you are the longest running ‘version’ of a blog I have ever had.  Congrats!

Sure, there have been months of hiatus and scrapped drafts like any overly critical writer, but we’re still going strong.  I haven’t nuked your WordPress install nor your directories.  Way to go!

I hope to have you around for many years to come!


P.S.  As your birthday winds to a close, here are some funny things from the past year:

Funniest Spam Comment
I read about an actuary who calculated that the odds of a man’s trousers falling down if he was wearing both a belt and suspenders was about 35,000 to one. What would be the odds of a man’s trousers falling down while wearing only a belt? What about only suspenders?

Funniest Keywords
Assist to Sell Rain
do lamp cords need to be fully extended

Keywords I’m Proud to See
how to persuade mall to allow puppy mill info table

Scary Keywords
dexcool illness (It’s antifreeze, folks!  Call poison control – not Google!)
how close can a heat lamp be to drywall

Absolute Scariest Keyword
can packaging tape catch on fire if used to secure an outlet (I have no words for this)

WTF Keyword
my wife jackie does interracial
so hot pop corn popped in car

Longest Visit on Site
9 minutes 19 seconds

Has anyone ever been 6 years-old?

Read:  6 year-old sent to reform school for bringing a weapon to school

Note:  he wasn’t bringing a weapon, to him it was something new and cool to show off.

Has anyone ever been 6 years-old?!  The length of punishment is way too long and what is he really going to learn?!

The Best Part is She’s Homeless!

Thanks to a friend on Facebook (thanks, MB), I found information on a new American Girl doll.  She is fantastically crafted.  She has her own story, like all American Girl dolls, telling where she has been, what social atrocity she has faced and how she has overcome great odds to come home with your little girl.  The best part is:  she’s homeless!

Gwen found herself living in her car with her children after her husband left them.  And, for only $95, your children could be educated regarding social injustice!

How does this now teach children about homelessness and social responsibility?  I’m seriously asking, because I am clueless. I would much rather discuss homelessness with my child and take her with me to volunteer at a soup kitchen or a women’s facility where real women have faced these issues.  I would also like to take the $102.60 ($95 plus tax) I would spend on the doll (not including accessories) and donate it to said soup kitchen or shelter.  This is education.

Being Kari is only 3 and would not understand some of the concepts, Chris and I have not gone into social issues with her; however, the recommended age for these dolls is 8 and up.  Here is a suggested list for parents to do with their 8 and over children to teach them about actual social issues.

It doesn’t really matter where or for what in the beginning, but have them volunteer for things.  Have them recognize that help does not always have to be paid, but rather is appreciated.  Volunteer at church, help set up for library story time, or have them read, play piano, etc. at a senior facility.  This gets them into the mindset of doing for others for the sake of others, and to appreciate the happiness they give to others.

My parents taught me things at the level which I could understand.  And they told me the truth, Santa and Easter Bunny excluded, but they always told me what and why it happened/was wrong, and why the person did it (they were mad, mental, etc.).  This helped me grow up with an acute awareness of what happens in the world around me and a mentality to rationally do what I can to help negate some of these social issues.

Be Open
Freely talk about differences.  Not talking about something creates and unknown.  Unknown in children’s minds translates into something scary or bad.  My favorite phrase, “A confused mind says no,” applies here.  Talk about differences in culture, race, sexual orientation and class.  It’s hard for many people to remove opinions, but by providing children with the facts, this allows them to form their own opinions. Then, answer any follow up questions they may have.

In a practical sense, I feel these solutions teach children much more about life than a mass produced toy.  Besides, children have priceless imaginations that work just fine without $95 dolls.

Confessions of a Thriftaholic

Tonight Chris and I watched Confessions of a Shopaholic.  In spite of all the humor and the typical romantic comedy happy ending, I find myself obsessing over the money spent by the character in the movie.  She had credit card debt, and continued to spend, all the while being trailed by a debt collector.  It is nearly midnight and I find myself wide awake with something near anxiety.

Sure, some of you are thinking this is crazy.  But those of you may not have a problem like me.  My name is Jackie.  I am a thriftaholic.

I make every laptop last until the dying day (just add more memory and keep it plugged in).  I search the Internet for sales on shoes I have researched so extensively you’d think I was purchasing a car instead.  I am so thrilled about my thrifty purchase of my sports compact I tell my students about it at orientation (fyi, I’m a financial aid counselor) as a lesson about buying everything used.

Don’t get me wrong, I love shopping, but I have kept myself to some serious rules to keep my credit card clean.  So, in the spirit of my blog, here are my rules for shopping practically.  Hopefully, they’ll help someone, too!

Start with a list.
Don’t just go out to go shopping.  Research ahead of time.  Find out what pieces are “trends” and see what pieces will be timeless.  Make a list and stick to it.  Also, like the rule with grocery shopping (don’t go shopping hungry), don’t go shopping when you are just dying to shop – stick to the plan!  Do you need jeans?  Tennis shoes?  Boots?  If not, move on.

Back to front.  Left to right.
I know this because I used to merchandise stores.  I used to make people want to spend.  Start in the back of the store where most of the sales and clearance items will be.  If you find what you need there, you will be less tempted to buy the very similar full price item in the front of the store.  The flow of the traffic in a store is also generally right to left.  Make a point to go left to right.  Impulse buys that get you in the store are on the right.

Google it.
My buddies at Google (I LOVE google.  Don’t get me started.) came up with something fantastic a few years back.  Why not add a shopping feature where one can compare products and prices?  And from a simple Internet connection?  Whoa!  By doing a little bit of research, one could save quite a bit.  Example:  I am eyeing these boots, which I should never buy.  I searched to find them for less on Google.  They ranged in price from $161 with free shipping to $225.  The cheapest store even has a five star rating, and is a subsidiary of

Malls are the plague.
If you are trying to save money and find quality items, malls are not the place to buy.  Sure, some high end stores carry nice merchandise, but I am personally a fan of buying quality items once every few years than buying a mall item every year after it fades, frays or other.  I typically shop online.  This is made easier if you are familiar with how the brand fits.  It doesn’t give the same instant gratification some desire; however, it saves hunting around a crowded mall and lugging the heavy finds back to the car.  Seems like more work to me than the gratification’s worth!  Malls carry trends and not timeless wardrobe pieces.

Keep the tags on for twenty-four hours.  Minimum.
Come home with your purchases and immediately throw the bags in the closet.  Forget about them for a minimum of twenty-four hours.  Try the clothes/shoes on again after the wait period.  Do you still love them?  Were they worth it?  Will this item work with the shoes you thought?  If not, you know what to do.  This will keep impulse buying down and allow your head to cool after the shopping high.  When you get home, you are high – full of carefully selected music, vivid colors, rich smells.  It’s all carefully planned to make you want to spend money.

I hope this helps someone out there.  It kind of helped get my obscene thriftiness of my chest.  Kind of.

The Wool Over your Eyes. Or Polyester. Or Silk.

Yesterday, Chris, Kari and I went shopping on Delmar.  Besides taking Kari on her first Metrolink ride, I particularly wanted to scout out some old books, silk scarves, and perhaps some other vintage clothing items.  In searching through the racks at several stores (going from the Vintage Vinyl end toward Pi), I noticed some very concerning items about several of these “vintage” stores:

They accept discount mega-store brands?!
Yes!  They did it!  They have Walmart and Kmart clothes on their racks right next to bebe from 4 years ago.  And they weren’t even “vintage” items!

Someone cried at Christmas when they got that!
This one store must have accepted every darned clothing item that came in, robbed a Goodwill store of everything on their racks, or have an inkling that the demand for bad Christmas sweaters will be through the roof this year.

Some items have been there for how long?!
I saw one tag with an acceptance date of 2006, and tons with 2007.  Audit your inventory folks.  If it doesn’t sell in 2 years, best bet is that it won’t sell.  Try ebay for those items that don’t sell – or put them on a special rack on discount.  Clear the racks for new items, because sooner or later the racks will be full of old items everyone have seen.

And finally, the clincher:

Naming a tacky screen print shirt from 3 years ago as vintage.
Know your labels folks, because obviously some of these places don’t, or they bank on the fact that you don’t!  If you don’t want to be caught dead in some tacky faux vintage recreation, do your research.  If you have a particular piece in mind, do a Google search.  Many of us have smart phones now.  Use them when you’re in the store.  If you don’t have a smart phone, and it’s a large ticket item you have in mind, ask the store clerk to hold it for 24 hours.  Then, you leave, read up on the item to see  if you can find any distinct markings/labels of the brand for the claimed time period, and finally see if you can find one in better condition online, or at least get a general price to be sure you’re getting a fair deal.

What to Expect When…


You encounter a 3 year-old on a metro train:

“Is this the whole set?”
Yes, I guess this is the whole train set.  This set is just really big and it goes all over the city.

“Does the place we’re going have grass?”
We’re not going outside of the city, it’s just a different way of getting around – just like if we were in the car.  The grass question was prompted by Kari’s observation of Aunt Zona (Arizona) having no grass during our vacation last fall.

“Didn’t they just say no smoking here?!”
Yes, but some people don’t listen.
“They’re bad.”

“Does the train have seatbelts?”
No, but maybe with some drivers they should.

“Is this one our train?”
No.  That’s the red one.  We need the blue one.
“Is this one our train?”
Buddy, there is no train here.
“But I heard a train.  Just be quiet, turn your head like this and listen.  And you’ll hear the train!”

Appreciating the Human in Celebrity

This is rediculously insane....
Tattoo of Someone's "Celebsession" from Poisonheart's Flickr

Recently I decided to get back into doing things I have always loved:  reading, music and movies.  Going through school for the past 8 years got me a handful of degrees, but I missed out on a lot.  I would consistently miss movies in the theater, buy the latest bestseller to collect dust and I let my music fall to the wayside.  The third is the saddest of all, because I was pretty good at one time or another.  As I am gradually working on that, I have decided to also tackle more manageable feats:  catching up on reading and movies.

I decided to start with the Twilight series two weeks ago today.  I wound up reading the whole series within a week.  I kept finding myself speed reading through the books, but I need to break that grad school habit and enjoy the literature!  Although these are young adult books, I found them as a good read myself.  I also have a new appreciation for the movie, whereas before I found it a bit lacking.  The books are a must to get the whole story – it really will enhance the movie experience.

By reading the books, this has also opened me up to another word:  Twihard.  I enjoy the series and I totally wish Stephenie Meyer would finish Midnight Sun; however, there is a healthy balance of “twihard-ness”, if you will (see:  Inked Twihards).  My friends at work joke about the Twilight chocolates and secretly wanting “Team Edward“/”Team Jacob” shirts (although we all do enjoy looking at Taylor Lautner shirtless, I believe we’re all Team Edward), but we are not in anyway violating someone’s personal rights by being “Twihards”.

In searching for info on Google about whether or not Stephenie Meyer would, in fact, publish Midnight Sun (the whole story about the leaked copy saddens me – that violated Stephenie’s privacy as an artist), I found news about Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart “being a thing”, Rob wearing the same shirt twice in a month, and Kristen’s “pregnancy”.  I was just shocked at how disrespectful everyone was!

Coming around to my main point for writing this post:  celebrities still deserve personal rights!

Be practical, folks!  Who would want to have a camera in their face 24/7?!  Imagine not being able to walk the dog in gym shorts and uncoordinated sneakers?  And, worst, your love life as an open book for everyone to read.

What does it absolutely matter to anyone who anyone is dating!  Appreciate celebrities for their work, for their charitable efforts and for them as role models.  Sure, when I find a public figure does drugs or drives drunk, etc., I am appalled because they could be doing so much better with the resources they have (charity, investing, etc.) as well as being a positive image for others who are less fortunate.

I’m not trying to harp on others in this post, but I feel we should appreciate the art these people create rather than gossip about their personal lives.  I know some will also argue that celebrities chose this life.  No.  They chose to do what they love/are good at doing, not to be stalked and trash-talked.  I also understand some of these rumors are started by publicists – but why is that?  Because of our curiosity and they do it because we as a group eat the rubbish up!

While in Frankfurt airport about 8 years ago, I saw Jay Leno.  You know what I did?  I smiled and gave him a little wave from where I was sitting at my terminal fifteen feet away.  He just so happened to smile and wave back.  What ruined this?  My friend Christy jumping up suddenly revived out of her jet lag induced stupor and screaming “Omigod!  It’s Jay Leno!”  Jay promptly took off and hid in a first class only bar after Christy chased him across 5 terminals.

This proves that celebrities are people too.  Jay Leno smiled, and waved.  He also ran for his life when Christy was about to alert an entire level of the sleepy airport to his presence.  How much more human can you get!  Whenever I see a celebrity or public figure, I always do the same:  smile and politely wave.  Why?  Because I hope they recognize my little gesture as appreciation for their work and respect for their personal space, and experience some of us out here who are not waiting to tackle them.

In short, exactly how practical is it to stalk celebs?  Is that something you’d want for yourself?  And, no, don’t start on this “they asked for it” argument.  Would you like your private vacation pictures smeared all over the Internet? And, in all honestly, although we all swoon for one celeb or another, 99.9% of the people on this planet will not catch that celeb’s eye – it will just so happen to be one person of their choosing.  And I highly doubt the person hanging from a tree in their yard snapping pics will be ‘the one’ for them.

So, as a healthy homework assignment, why not write a handwritten letter (no email) to an artist or public figure you respect!  This must be a cohesive letter – no “OMIGOD!  I want to marry you!”, but an actual appreciation for their work, activism or just for their being human.  Perhaps even get some nice stationary and use blue/black ink for goodness sakes!  Be elegant about your appreciation for their work – something I bet they rarely see – but put genuine humanness in this letter.  If you have trouble finding a mailing address, let me know.  I have skills with the Internets.

Also, for inspiration for your project, consider this post by Alison Byrne Fields regarding her genuine, human pen pal relationship with John Hughes.  A good read about the psychology behind the obsession from the Psychology Today archives:  Seeing by Starlight:  Celebrity Obsession.