Lady Gaga reacts to sexual assault on college campuses. It’s an epidemic that we’re ignoring. It’s savage. Diminishing. Accepted. Haunting. Common. Isolating.
One in 5 female and 1 in sixteen male college students will be sexually assaulted this year. Think about this: smaller colleges have class sizes of about 15 students. So that means in each classroom you walk past on campus, at least 3 students in that room will be sexually assaulted this year.
Eight out of 10 people know their assaulter. I did.
Sexual assault is something that will stay with you always. Over a decade later, I can still close my eyes and remember every detail.
Sixty-three percent of sexual assault crimes are not reported to the police.
No one asks to be sexually assaulted. Ever.
Help someone you know break the silence. Make sure you listen.
For more information and resources:
RAINN Rape, Abuse & Insest National Network
Sept 21 Washington Post article, “What a massive sexual assault survey found at 27 top U.S. universities”
What Senator McCaskill and others are doing with the Campus Accountability and Safety Act